Witaj! Jak się dzisiaj miewasz?
Hello! How are you today?
Hello, hello
How are you today?
I am happy, happy, happy
Hello, hello
How are you today?
I am sad, sad, sad
Hello, hello
How are you today?I am hungry, I'm hungry today!
Hello - cześć
How are you today?
Happy - szczęśliwy
Sad - smutny
Hungry - głodny
Czy ktoś może ma dzisiaj urodziny? Wszystkiego najlepszego!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Happy birthday to you!
happy birthday - wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin
W pazdzierniku obchodzimy Dzień Zwierząt. A czy Ty opiekujesz się jakimś zwierzątkiem?
It's a dog
Ba-ba-ba-ba -ba
It’s a dog
It’s a dog
It’s a cat!
It’s a cat!
It’s a dog
It’s a dog
It’s a cat!
It’s a cat!
Ba-ba-ba-ba- ba
It’s a bird!
Chirp! Chirp!
It’s a bird!
Chirp! Chirp!
It’s a snake!
It’s a snake!
It’s a bird!
Chirp! Chirp!
It’s a bird!
Chirp! Chirp!
It’s a snake!
It’s a snake!
It’s a rabbit!
Hop! hop!
It’s a rabbit!
Hop! Hop!
It’s a fish!
It’s a fish!
It’s a rabbit!
Hop! hop!
It’s a rabbit!
Hop! Hop!
It’s a fish!
It’s a fish!
Ba-ba-ba-ba -ba
a dog - pies
a cat - kot
a bird - ptak
a snake - wąż
a rabbit - królik
a fish - ryba
Na drzewie mamy piękne, czerwone jabłka. Zrywamy je. Jedno będzie dla Marysi.Jedno dla Jasia. A jedno dla mnie! Przeliczamy jabłka i powtarzamy jak po angielsku jest kolor czerwony.Na drzewie rosną również żółte gruszki i fioletowe śliwki.
Apples, pears and plums
Three red apples on the tree
one, two, three,
Three red apples on the three
one, two, three
One is for (...)
One is for (…)
And one is for me!
Three yellow pears on the tree (...)
Three purple plums on the tree (...)
apples - jabłka
pears - gruszki
plums - śliwki
three- trzy
tree- drzewo
one is for...- jedno jest dla...
Piosenka One little finger pozwala dzieciom nauczyć się części ciała. Szybkie
tempo piosenki sprawia dzieciom wiele radości.
One little finger
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.
Tap tap tap
Point your finger up.
Point your finger down.
Put it on your head. Head!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.
Tap tap tap.
Point your finger up.
Point your finger down.
Put it on your nose. Nose
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.
Tap tap tap
Point your finger up.
Point your finger down.
Put it on your chin. Chin!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.
Tap tap tap.
Point your finger up.
Point your finger down.
Put it on your arm. Arm!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.
Tap tap tap
Point your finger up.
Point your finger down
Put it on your leg. Leg!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.
Tap tap tap
Point your finger up.
Point your finger down.
Put it on your foot. Foot!
Put it on your leg. Leg!
Put it on your arm. Arm!
Put it on your chin. Chin!
Put it on your nose. Nose!
Put it on your head. Head!
Now let's wave goodbye. Goodbye!
little- mały
a finger- palec
point- wskazywać
put - kłaść
a head - głowa
a nose - nos
a chin- podbródek
an arm- ramię
a leg- noga
a foot- stopa
Halloween! Okazuje się jednak, że kolorowe potwory nie są takie grożne !
Monster Colour Song
What colored monsters will be seen on this scary Halloween?
Blue, orange, pink monsters.
What colored monsters will be seen on this scary Halloween?
Red, yellow, green monsters.
What colored monsters will be seen on this scary Halloween?
Purple, brown, black monsters.
What colored monsters will be seen on this scary Halloween?
Blue, orange, pink, red, yellow, green, purple, brown, black..monsters
a monster - potwór
blue - niebieski
orange - pomarańczowy
pink - różowy
red - czerwony
yellow - żółty
green - zielony
purple - fioletowy
brown - brązowy
black - czarny
How are yoy? Feelings songs
How are you?
How are you?
I'm happy
How are you?
How are you?
I'm happy, too
How are you?
How are you?
I'm sad
How are you?
How are you?
I'm sad, too
How are you?
How are you?
I'm hungry
How are you?
How are you?
I'm hungry, too
How are you?
How are you?
I'm thirsty
How are you?
How are you?
I'm thirsty, too
How are you?
How are you?
I'm sleepy
How are you?
How are you?
I'm sleepy, too
How are you?
How are you?
I'm great
How are you?
How are you?
I'm great, too
How are you? - jak się masz
happy - szczęśliwy
sad - smutny
hungry - głodny
thirsty - spragniony
sleepy - śpiący
great - wspaniale
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday we wish you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday - wesołych urodzin
we wish you - życzymy ci
My Pet, My Buddy
My Pet,
My Buddy
Lovey-dovey lovey-dovey
Kiss my pet.
Lovey-dovey lovey-dovey
Kiss my pet.
I have a doggy, doggy, doggy, doggy.
Her name is Dolly.
I love my doggy.
I love Dolly.
I have a birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie.
Her name is Brody.
I love my birdie, Brody.
I’m so happy, so very happy.
Whenever I’m together with my pet.
I’m so happy, so very happy.
Whenever I’m together with my pet.
I have a kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten.
Her name is Kitty.
I love my kitten.
I love Kitty.
I have a bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny.
Her name is Buffy.
I love my bunny, Buffy.
I’m so happy, so very happy.
Whenever I’m together with my pet.
I’m so happy, so very happy.
Whenever I’m together with my pet.
Lovey-dovey lovey-dovey
Kiss my pet.
Lovey-dovey lovey-dovey
Kiss my pet.
my pet -moje zwierzątko
kiss my pet - całuję swoje zwierzątko
my doggy - mój piesek
my birdie - mój ptaszek
my bunny - mój króliczek
my kitten - mój kotek
I love - kocham
her name is - ona ma na imię
Przy piosence One potato dzieci mogą siedzieć w kole i w szybkim tempie podawać sobie ziemniaczka. Zamiast ziemniaczka można użyć jabłka, gruszki, śliwki lub dyni.
One potato, two potatoes
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more.
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more.
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more.
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more.
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more.
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more.
a potato- ziemniak
an apple - jabłko
a pear - gruszka
a plum - jabłko
a pumpkin - dynia
Let's go
Fo, fo, fo, fo follow me, fo, fo, fo, fo, follow me !
Hepee Yepee ! Let's go
Walk, walk, let's walk!
Hepee Yepee ! Let's go
Stomp, stomp, let's stomp!
Hepee Yepee ! Let's go
Waddle, waddle, let's waddle!
Hepee Yepee ! Let's go
Run, run, let's run!
Fo, fo, fo, fo follow me, fo, fo, fo, fo, follow me!
Hepee Yepee ! Let's go !
Jump, jump, let's jump!
Hepee Yepee ! Let's go !
Hop, hop, let's hop!
Hepee Yepee ! Let's go!
Dance, dance, let's dance!
Hepee Yepee ! Let's go!
Clap, clap, let's clap!
follow me- idz za mną
walk - chodzić
stomp - tupać nogami
waddle - chodzić jak kaczka
run - biegać
jump - skakać
hop - skakać
clap - klaskać
I'm a ghost.
I'm a monster.
I'm a mummy.
I'm a pirate.
I'm a skeleton.
I'm a vampire.
I'm a witch.
I'm a wizard.
That is a big pumpkin.
jack o' lantern
That is a jack o' lantern.
jack o' lantern
haunted house
That is a haunted house.
haunted house
That is a bat.
That is an owl.
That is a spider.
Knock, knock!
Happy Halloween!
Trick or treat!
trick or treat
a ghost - duch
a monster - potwór
a mummy - mumia
a pirate - pirat
a skeleton - szkielet
a vampire - wampir
a witch - czarownica
a wizard - czarodziej
a pumpkin - dynia
a jack o' lantern - latarnia z dyni
a haunted house - nawiedzony om
a bat - nietoperz
an owl - sowa
a spider - pająk
knock, knock! - puk, puk!
Happy Halloween! - Szczęśiwego Halloween!
trick or treat - psikus albo poczęstunek
How are you?
I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm very happy
I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm very happy
How are you? How are you? How are you, today?
I'm sad, I'm sad, I'm sad I'm very sad
I'm sad, I'm sad, I'm sad I'm very sad
How are you? How are you? How are you, today?
I'm angry.I'm angry.I'm angry.I'm very angry.
How are you? How are you? How are you, today?
I'm tired.I'm tired.I'm tired.I'm very tired.
How are you? How are you? How are you, today?
I'm hungry.I'm hungry.I'm hungry.I'm very hungry.
How are you? - Jak się masz?
happy - szczęśliwy
sad - smutny
angry - zły
tired- zmęczony
hungry - głodny
Happy Birthday Song
Today we sing a song for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Today we clap our hands for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Today we reach high for you
touch the blue, blue sky for you
Today we sing a song for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Oh, oh, oh yeah!
Happy, happy, happy birthday!
Oh, oh, oh yeah!
Happy, happy, happy birthday!
We clap our hands, clap our hands
We reach up high, reach up high
It's a very special day to celebrate
Today we sing a song for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Today we shake our legs for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Today we jump around for you
and make goofy sounds for you
Today we sing a song for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Oh, oh, oh yeah!
Happy, happy, happy birthday!
Oh, oh, oh yeah!
Happy, happy, happy birthday!
We jump around, jump around
Make goofy sounds, goofy sounds
It's a very special day to celebrate
Today we sing a song for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Today we stomp our feet for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Today we play a beat for you
Stomp and clap in time for you
Today we sing a song for you
and say "happy birthday"!
Oh, oh, oh yeah!
Happy, happy, happy birthday!
Oh, oh, oh yeah!
Happy, happy, happy birthday!
We play a beat, play a beat
We stomp and clap, stomp and clap
It's a very special day to celebrate
Happy birthday!
Today we sing a song for you - Dzisiaj śpiewamy piosenkę dla Ciebie
and say "happy birthday"! - i mówimy "Wesołych urodzin"!
we clap our hands - klaszczemy w dłonie
reach up high - sięgamy wysoko
touch the blue sky - dotykamy niebieskiego nieba
It's a very special day to celebrate - to bardzo szczególny dzień , który świętujemy
we shake our legs - potrząsamy nogami
we jump around - skaczemy naokoło
we make goofy sounds - wydajemy "głupie" dzwięki
we stomp our feet - tupiemy stopami
play a beat - wybijamy rytm
in time - w tempie
for You - dla Ciebie
I have a pet
Do you have a pet?
Yes, I have a dog.
I have a pet.
He is a dog.
And he says, "Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof. Woof woof."
I have a cat.
I have a pet.
She is a cat.
And she says, "Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Meow meow."
I have a mouse.
I have a pet.
He is a mouse.
And he says, "Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak. Squeak squeak."
Woof woof. Meow meow. Squeak squeak.
I have a bird.
I have a pet.
He is a bird.
And he says, "Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. Tweet tweet."
I have a fish.
I have a pet.
She is a fish.
And she says, "Glub, glub, glub, glub, glub. Glub glub."
I have a lion. A lion?!
I have a pet. He is a lion. And he says, "Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar. Roar roar."
Tweet tweet. Glub glub. ROAR!
Have you got a pet?- masz zwierzątko?
I have a pet - mam zwierzątko
a dog - pies
a cat - kot
a mouse - mysz
a bird - ptak
a fish - ryba
a lion - lew
Learn About Pets
Apples are yummy
Apples are yummy,
yummy yummy, yummy
Apples are yummy,
yummy yummy, yummy
pears are yummy, too
Pears are yummy,
yummy yummy, yummy
Pears are yummy,
yummy yummy, yummy
plums are yummy, too
Plums are yummy
yummy yummy, yummy
Plums are yummy,
yummy yummy, yummy
Apples are yummy, too
an apple- jabłko
a pear- gruszka
a plum- śliwka
a mushroom- grzyb
a pumpkin - dynia
yummy- pyszne
oranges- pomarańcze
carrots - marchewki
celery - seler
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a ghost. I’m a little ghost.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a ghost. I’m a little ghost.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a cowboy. I’m a little cowboy.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a cowboy. I’m a little cowboy.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a witch. I’m a little witch.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a witch. I’m a little witch.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a monster. I’m a little monster.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a monster. I’m a little monster.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a ballerina. A little ballerina.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a ballerina. A little ballerina.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a pirate. I’m a little pirate.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a pirate. I’m a little pirate.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween.
knock, knock - puk, puk
little - mały
a ghost - duszek
a cowboy - kowboj
a witch - czarownica
a ballerina - balerina
a monster - potwór
a pirate - pirat
Happy Halloween - Szczęśliwego Halloween
Knock knock, trick or treat? ( part two)
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a mummy. I’m a little mummy.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a mummy. I’m a little mummy.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m an angel. I’m a little angel.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m an angel. I’m a little angel.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a soccer player. A little soccer player.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a soccer player. A little soccer player.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m an astronaut. I’m a little astronaut.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m an astronaut. I’m a little astronaut.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a vampire. I’m a little vampire.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a vampire. I’m a little vampire.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a superhero. A little superhero.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I’m a superhero. A little superhero.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween.
knock, knock - puk, puk
trick or treat - poczęstunek albo psikus
little - mały
a mummy - mumia
an angel - aniołek
a soccer player - gracz w piłkę nożną
an astronaut - astronauta
a vampire - wampir
Happy Halloween - Szczęśliwego Halloween
Monster For Children
The Colour Monster