Dzień zaczynamy od przywitania. Hello! Cieszymy się, że jesteście z nami.
Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!
Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!
Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!
Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!
Hello to my friends, hello to my family!
Hello, I like to say hello to the world.
Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!
Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!
Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!
Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!
Hello to my friends, hello to my family!
Hello, I like to say hello to the world.
Hello- cześć
I like to say hello- lubię mówić "cześć"
friends - przyjaciele
a family - rodzina
the world - świat
Otaczają nas kolory, kolory tęczy, kolory podstawowe i pochodne. Przy pomocy piosenek uczymy się nazw kolorów po angielsku. Temat ten może również stanowić ciekawe ćwiczenie na segregowanie przedmiotów i przyporządkowywanie ich do odpowiedniego koloru.
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red is the colour of an apple
Yellow is the colour of the sun
Green is the colour of a four- leaf clover
Blue is the colour of the sky above
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
red - czerwony
blue - niebieski
green - zielony
blue - niebieski
an apple - jabłko
the sun - słońce
a leaf - liść
a four- leaf clover - czterolistna koniczyna
the sky - niebo
Czy wiecie jak bezpiecznie przejść przez ulicę? Pomoże nam w tym piosenka.
Red light, green light
Red light, stop.
Green light, go.
Red light, stop.
Green light, go.
Red, stop.
Green, go.
Red light, green light, now you know.
red light - czerwone światło
green light - zielone światło
stop - zatrzymaj się
go - idz
now you know - teraz wiesz
W naszym przedszkolu możesz się pobawić światłami drogowymi i utrwalić sobie zasady ruchu drogowego.
Czas na odrobinę ruchu. Gimnastyka pomaga nam poznać odpowiednie polecenia w języku angielskim.
Stand up, Sit down
Stand up, stand up,
Sit down, sit down,
Stand up, stand up,
Turn around, turn around,
Sit down, sit down
Stand up, stand up,
Turn around, turn around , turn around
Put one hand up, put one hand down
Put two hands up, put two hands down
Sit down, sit down,
Stand up, stand up,
Turn around, turn around, turn around
Jump, jump, jump
Hop, hop, hop
Run, run, run,
Stop, stop, stop
Sit down, sit down,
Stand up, stand up,
Turn around, turn around, turn around
Let’s sing it one more time
Everybody, sit down!
stand up - wstawać
sit down - siadać
turn around - obracać się
jump - skakać
hop - skakać na jednej nodze
run - biegać
stop - zatrzymywać się
We wrześniu poznajemy nowych przyjaciół, wiemy już jak wyglądamy. A jak nazywają się części twarzy po angielsku?
Eyes, nose, mouth, ears
Let's sing the eyes, nose, mouth and ears song.
Eyes nose mouth ears.
Eyes nose mouth ears.
Eyes nose mouth ears.
Eyes nose mouth and ears.
Eyes nose, mouth ears.
Eyes nose, mouth ears.
Eyes nose, mouth ears.
Eyes nose, mouth and ears.
Eyes nose, mouth ears.
Eyes nose mouth ears.
Eyes nose mouth ears.
Eyes, nose mouth and ears.
Eyes nose mouth ears.
Eyes nose mouth ears.
Eyes nose mouth ears.
Eyes nose mouth and ears.
Whew, I'm tired!
Let's sing - zaśpiewajmy
eyes- oczy
nose - nos
mouth - usta
ears - uszy
I'm tired - jestem zmęczony
Tego prostego wierszyka używamy przy myciu rąk przed posiłkami. Nie wiedzieć kiedy nasze dzieci znaja wszystkie części ciała i wiedzą jak powiedzieć "myję ręce" po angielsku.
Eyes, eyes, eyes
Eyes, eyes, eyes
Nose, nose, nose
Mouth, mouth, mouth
Wash your hands!
Wash your hands!
Belly, belly, belly
Bottom, bottom, bottom
Legs, legs,legs
Wash your hands!
Wash your hands!
eyes – oczy
nose – nos
mouth – usta
hands – ręce
belly – brzuch
bottom – pupa
legs – nogi
hands – ręce
wash your hands – umyj ręce
Co mieści się w tajemniczym pudełku? Spróbujecie zgadnąć? To może być piłka, lalka, samochód lub misiek. A może to klocki?
Mystery box
Mystery box, mystery box.
What's inside the mystery box?
Mystery box, mystery box.
What's inside the mystery box?
Mystery box, mystery box.
What's inside the mystery box?
Mystery box, mystery box.
What's inside the mystery box
a mystery box - tajemnicze pudełko
What's inside? - co jest w środku?
a ball - piłka
a doll - lalka
a teddy bear - misiek
a car - samochód
blocks - klocki
Czas się pożegnać. Do zobaczenia, kochani!
Goodbye song
Goodbye, goodbye
See you again
Goodbye, goodbye
See you my friends
goodbye - do widzenia
see you - do zobaczenia
friends- przyjaciele
Dzień dobry! Czas wstawać! A może zaczniemy od porannej gimnastyki?
Good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Clap your hands, clap, clap, clap
Stomp your feet, stomp, stomp, stomp
Spin around, spin, spin, spin
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Wash your hands, wash, wash, wash
Shake your hands, shake, shake, shake
Brush your teeth, brush, brush, brush
Good morning!
good morning – dzień dobry!
clap your hands – klaszcz w dlonie
stomp your feet – tup nogami
spin around – obracaj się
shake your hands – potrząsaj rękami
brush your teeth- szczotkuj zęby
Rainbow colors
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see an apple and it's red
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a carrot and it's orange
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a lemon and it's yellow
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a frog and it's green
Rainbow colors everywhere
Red, yellow, orange, green
Rainbow colors everywhere
Blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a fish and it's blue
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a flower and it's purple
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a flamingo and it's pink
Rainbow colors everywhere
Red, yellow, orange, green
Rainbow colors everywhere
Blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red - red
orange - orange
yellow - yellow
green - green
blue- blue
purple- purple
pink - pink
Rainbow colors everywhere
Red, yellow, orange, green
Rainbow colors everywhere
Blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
tell me- powiedz mi
what do you see - co widzisz
an apple -jabłko
a carrot - marchewka
a lemon - cytryna
a frog - żaba
a flower - kwiat
a fish - ryba
a flamingo - flaming
a rainbow - tęcza
red - czerwony
orange - pomarańczowy
yellow - żólty
green - zielony
blue - niebieski
purple - fioletowy
pink- różowy
Transportation song
I ride on a bike
I ride on a bike,
but I want to go faster
faster, faster, faster!
I ride on a bus
I ride on a bus,
but I want to go faster
faster, faster, faster!
I ride in a car
I ride in a car,
but I want to go faster
faster, faster, faster!
bike, bus, car
train, plane rocket
I ride on a train
I ride on a train
but I want to go faster
faster, faster, faster!
I fly on a plane
I fly on a plane,
but I want to go faster
faster, faster, faster!
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, one, go!
I fly in a rocket
I fly into space in a rocket
a bike -rower
a bus - autobus
a car - samochód
a train - pociąg
a plane - samolot
a rocket - rakieta
ride - jechać
drive - prowadzić
Walking , walking
Walking walking.
Walking walking.
Hop hop hop.
Hop hop hop.
Running running running.
Running running running.
Now let's stop.
Now let's stop.
Walking walking.
Walking walking.
Hop hop hop.
Hop hop hop.
Running running running.
Running running running.
Now let's stop.
Now let's stop.
Tiptoe tiptoe.
Tiptoe tiptoe.
Jump jump jump.
Jump jump jump.
Swimming swimming swimming.
Now let's sleep.
Now let's sleep.
Wake up!
It's time to go!
Are you ready to go fast? Okay!
Walking walking.
Walking walking.
Hop hop hop.
Hop hop hop.
Running running running.
Running running running.
Now let's stop.
Now let's stop.
Walking walking.
Walking walking.
Hop hop hop.
Hop hop hop.
Running running running.
Running running running.
Now let's stop.
Now let's stop.
walk - chodzić
hop - skakać na jednej nodze
run - biegać
stop - zatrzymywać się
tiptoe - chodzić na palcach
swim - pływać
sleep - spać
wake up - budzić się
fast - szybko
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
One more time!
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
a head – głowa
shoulders – ramiona
knees – kolana
toes – palce u nóg
eyes – oczy
ears- uszy
mouth – usta
a nose - nos
Open the box
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
A doll. A ball. A robot. Blocks. Crayons. A truck!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck.
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck.
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
Toy-oy-oy-oys are in the box. In the box!
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box. Box!
open the box - otwórz pudełko
what's in the box? - co jest w pudełku?
a doll - lalka
a ball - piłka
a robot - robot
crayons - kredki
blocks - klocki
a truck - ciężarówka
See you later
See you later
see you again
See you later
see you again
Goodbye and see you
Goodbye and see you
See you later
see you again
vocabulary :
see you - do zobaczenia
later - później
again - znowu
goodbye - do widzenia
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”
Hello, hello.
Can you stomp your feet?
Hello, hello.
Can you stomp your feet?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
hello - cześć
can you - czy możesz?
clap your hands - klaszcz w dłonie
touch your toes - dotknij palców u nóg
turn around - obracaj się
stomp your feet - tup nogami
say "hello" - powiedz "cześć"
stretch up high - wyciągnąć się o góry
Przed każdymi zajęciami na dywanie dzieci stają w kole. Jest to dobra okazja aby nauczyć się słowa koło po angielsku (a circle), a także przymiotników duży (big), mały ( small) i okrągły (round).
Make a circle
Time to make a circle.
Make a circle, big big big.
Small small small.
Big big big.
Make a circle, small small small.
Hello hello hello.
Make a circle, round and round.
Round and round.
Round and round.
Make a circle, round and round.
Hello hello hello.
Make a circle, up up up.
Down down down.
Up up up
Make a circle, down down down.
Now sit down.
time to – czas aby
a circle – koło
big- duży
small- mały
make a circle – zrobić koło
round – okrągły
hello- cześć
up – do góry
down – na dół
sit down – siadaj
What's your name?
Hello, Hello, What’s your name?
Hello, Hello, What’s your name?
My name is Noodle.
My name is Blossom.
Nice to meet you.
Hello, Hello, What’s your name?
Hello, Hello, What’s your name?
My name is Cheesy.
My name is Broccoli.
Nice to meet you.
Hello, Hello, What’s your name?
Hello, Hello, What’s your name?
My name is Jelly.
My name is Kernel.
Nice to meet you!
Let’s be friends!
hello- cześć
what's your name? - jak masz na imię?
my name is ... - mam na imię ...
nice to meet you!
Mieszanie farb to ciekawe doświadczenia aby z kolorów podstawowych uzyskać kolory pochodne.
Color mixing
Red - the colour is red
Blue - the colour is blue
Red and blue - purple
Red and blue make purple
Yellow - the colour is yellow
Blue and yellow - green
Blue and yellow make green
Yellow and red - orange
Yellow and red make orange
Red, blue and yellow - black
Red, blue and yellow make black
Red, purple,blue, green,
yellow,orange, black
Red - the colour is red
White - the colour is white
Red and white - pink
Red and white make pink
Black- the colour is black
White and black - grey
White and black make grey
Orange - the color is orange
Black and orange - brown
Black and orange make brown
Red, pink, white, grey
Black, brown, orange
We are living in a colourful world!
Rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet
Red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet
These are rainbow colors!
red - czerwony
pink- różowy
white - biały
grey - szary
black - czarny
brown - brązowy
orange - pomarańczowy
indigo - indygo
violet - fioletowy
purple - fioletowy
Learn Vehicles. Guessing Game for Kids
What is it?
It's a car.
What is it?
It's a bus.
What is it?
It's a train.
What is it?
It's a ship.
What is it?
It's an airplane.
What is it?
It's a bicycle.
What is it?
It's a helicopter.
What is it?
It's a truck.
What is it?
It's a fire engine.
What is it?
It's an ambulance.
Hey, what's that?
That's not a vehicle.
It's a frog!
a car - samochód
a bus - autobus
a train - pociąg
a ship - statek
an airplane - samolot
a bicycle - rower
a helicopter
a truck - ciężarówka
a fireengine - wóz strażacki
an ambulance - karetka pogotowia
Jump, Run and Shout!
Oh - I can dance
Oh - I can swing
Oh - I can sing
Na na na
Can you jump?
Can you jump really high?
I can jump!
I can jump really high!
Can you jump high, just like me?
I can jump higher, one, two, three!
Can you run?
Can you run really fast?
I can run! I can run really fast!
Can you run fast, just like me?
I can run faster, one, two, three!
Can you shout?
Can you shout really loud?
I can shout!
I can shout really loud!
Say hey, hey, hey! (hey, hey, hey)
Say ho, ho, ho! (ho, ho, ho)
Say ha, ha, ha! (ha, ha, ha)
Now scream! (Ahhh!!!)
I can - umiem
Can you...? - umiesz?
dance - tańczyć
swing - kołysać się
sing - śpiewać
jump - skakać
run - biegać
shout - krzyczeć
scream - krzyczeć
really high - naprawdę wysoko
really fast - naprawdę szybko
really loud - naprawdę głośno
just like me - tak jak ja
Przeliczamy w zakresie 1-10. Utrwalamy słowo palce u rąk fingers) i uczymy się rozumieć pytanie "Ile.... masz ? ( How many .... do you have?).
How many fingers do you have?
How many fingers do you have?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Let's count them again
How many fingers do you have?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Now, this is the end
How may fingers do you have?
I have 10 fingers
how many ? - ile?
have – mieć
fingers- palce
The Pinocchio
Everybody in.
Everybody out.
Everybody turn around.
Everybody shout. Hey!
Everybody ready. Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Everybody in.
Everybody out.
Everybody turn around.
Everybody shout. Hey!
Everybody ready. Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Everybody in.
Everybody out.
Everybody turn around.
Everybody shout. Hey!
Everybody ready. Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Everybody in.
Everybody out.
Everybody turn around.
Everybody shout. Hey!
Everybody ready. Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Left leg!
Everybody in.
Everybody out.
Everybody turn around.
Everybody shout. Hey!
Everybody ready. Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Left leg!
Chin up!
Everybody in.
Everybody out.
Everybody turn around.
Everybody shout. Hey!
Everybody ready. Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Left leg!
Chin up!
Turn around!
Everybody in.
Everybody out.
Everybody turn around.
Everybody shout. Hey!
Everybody ready. Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Left leg!
Chin up!
Turn around!
Sit down!
everybody in - wszyscy do środka
everybody out - wszyscy na zewnątrz
everybody ready - wszyscy gotowi
turn around - bracaj się
shout - krzyczeć
left - lewa
right - prawa
an arm - ramię
a leg - noga
a chin - podbródek
up - do góry
Good Bye Friends
Good bye
Good bye
Good bye ,
It's time to say good bye
But first
Walk, walk, walk
Jump, jump, jump
Run, run, run
Hop, hop, hop
Swim, swim, swim
Dance, dance, dance
Good bye
Good bye
Good bye ,
It's time to say good bye
good bye - do widzenia
It's time to say good bye - czas powiedzieć do widzenia
but first - ale najpierw
walk - spacerować
jump - skakac
run - biegać
stop - zatrzymywać się
hop - skakac
swim - pływać
dance - tańczyć
Brązowy misiu, brązowy misiu, co widzisz?
What should I play with today?
board game
board game
rocking horse
rocking horse
spinning top
spinning top
teddy bear
teddy bear
Honey It’s time for dinner!
Yes, Mom. I’m coming!
What should I play with today? - Czym się dzisiaj pobawić?
a ball - piłka
blocks - klocki
a board game - gra planszowa
a dice - kostka
a doll - lalka
a jack-in-the-box - jack w pudełku
a puppet - pacynka
puzzles - puzle
a robot - robot
a rocking horse - koń na biegunach
a spinning top - bączek
a teddy bear - misiek
a yo-yo - yo-yo
Honey - kochanie
It’s time for dinner! - czas na obiad
Yes, Mom. I’m coming! - Tak, mamusiu. Idę!
Body parts
Autumn Song
Autumn is here again,
leaves are falling everywhere
Yellow, red and brown,
leaves are falling on the ground
Apples in the basket,
Pumpkins in the box
Apples in the basket,
Pumpkins in the box
The trees are brown is autumn again
(it's autumn)
The clouds are grey,
it's autumn again
(it's autumn)
Leaves in the air,
it's autumn again
(it's autumn)
One more time
One more time
Squirrels in the park,
a big umbrella and my hat
Pumpkins for Halloween,
I can see my friends jumping in leaves
Apples in the basket,
Pumpkins in the box
Apples in the basket,
Pumpkins in the box
The trees are brown is autumn again
(it's autumn)
The clouds are grey,
it's autumn again
(it's autumn)
Leaves in the air,
it's autumn again
(it's autumn)
One more time
One more time