
Język angielski

Weather- Pogoda

A jaką mamy dzisiaj pogodę ? Jest gorąco czy zimno? Co jeszcze jest gorące i zimne?


Hot and cold


Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

Cold, cold, cold, cold!

The soup is hot

Hot, hot, hot

The sun is hot 

Hot, hot, hot

Hot soup

Hot sun

The ice is cold

Cold, cold, cold 

The snow is cold

Cold, cold, cold

Cold ice brrr

Cold snow brrr

Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

Cold, cold, cold, cold!

Hot, hot, hot, hot

Cold, cold, cold

Is it hot or cold?



hot - gorąco

cold - zimno

soup - zupa

the sun - słońce

ice - lód

snow - śnieg


The sun comes up,up, up

The sun comes



up, up, up,

up, up, up

The rain comes

down, down, down

down, down, down

down, down, down

down, down, down

How's the weather?

How's the weather?

It's sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny

How's the weather?

How's the weather?

It's cloudy, cloudy, cloudy, cloudy

And the sun comes

up, up, up

up, up, up

up, up, up

up, up, up

The rain comes

down, down, down

down, down, down

down, down, down

down, down, down

How's the weather?

How's the weather?

It' s rainy, rainy, rainy, rainy

How's the weather?

How's the weather?

It's snowy,  snowy,  snowy,  snowy

And the sun comes

up, up, up

up, up, up

up, up, up

up, up, up

The rain comes

down, down, down

down, down, down

down, down, down

down, down, down

How's the weather?

How's the weather?



How is the weather? - Jaka jest pogoda

the sun - słońce

the rain - deszcz

up - do góry

down - na dół

sunny - słonecznie

rainy - deszczowo

snowy - śnieżnie


How is the weather?

How’s the weather? How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How’s the weather today?

Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it sunny today?
Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it rainy today?
Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it cloudy today?
Let’s look outside.
Is it snowy today?

How’s the weather? How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How’s the weather today?


How is the weather? - jaka jest pogoda

sunny - słonecznie

rainy - deszczowo

cloudy - pochmurnie

snowy - śnieżnie






  • Niepubliczne Przedszkole Angielska Chatka
    43-100 Tychy,
    ul. Begonii 4
  • 693 374 734

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