Mystery box, mystery box.
What's inside the mystery box?
Mystery box, mystery box.
What's inside the mystery box?
Mystery box, mystery box.
What's inside the mystery box?
Mystery box, mystery box.
What's inside the mystery box
a mystery box - tajemnicze pudełko
What's inside? - co jest w środku?
a ball - piłka
a doll - lalka
a teddy bear - misiek
a car - samochód
blocks - klocki
Open the box
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
A doll. A ball. A robot. Blocks. Crayons. A truck!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck.
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck.
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
Toy-oy-oy-oys are in the box. In the box!
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box. Box!
open the box - otwórz pudełko
what's in the box? - co jest w pudełku?
a doll - lalka
a ball - piłka
a robot - robot
crayons - kredki
blocks - klocki
a truck - ciężarówka
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a ball!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a bear!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a block!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a car!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a dinosaur!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a doll!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a kite!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a plane!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a robot!
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
It's a train!
What is it? - co to jest?
a ball - piłka
a bear - misiek
a block - klocek
a car - samochód
a dinosaur- dinozaur
a kite - latawiec
a plane - samolot
a robot - robot
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way
I want a train.
I want a train.
I want a great big train.
A train?
A train!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
I want a rocket.
I want a rocket.
I want a great big rocket.
A rocket?
A rocket!
Prepare for lift-off...5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LIFT-OFF!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
I want a robot.
I want a robot.
I want a great big robot.
A robot?
A robot!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
I want a teddy bear.
I want a teddy bear.
I want a great big teddy bear.
A teddy bear?
A teddy bear!
Right leg. Left leg. Right arm. Left arm.
Oh no!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
Santa's on his way!
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
What's in the box?
A ball is in the box
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
What's in the box?
A doll is in the box
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
What's in the box?
A car is in the box
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
What's in the box?
A robot is in the box
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
What's in the box?
A yo-yo is in the box
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta
Doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta doo ta ta ta
What's in the box?- co jest w pudełku?
a ball - piłka
a doll - lalka
a car - samochód
a robot - robot
a yo-yo - yo-yo
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
I want a ball. I want a ball.
I want a ball to bounce.
Bounce? Bounce!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
I want a yo-yo.I want a yo-yo.
I want a yo-yo to spin.
Spin? Spin!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
I want a bike. I want a bike.
I want a bike to ride.
Ride? Ride!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
I want a jump rope.I want a jump rope.
I want a jump rope to jump.
Jump? Jump!
Jump rope, jump rope, let’s jump rope!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
Santa’s on his way!
What do you want for Christmas? - co chcesz na Swięta?
Santa's on his way - Mikołaj w drodze
a ball - piłka
bounce - odbijać
a yo-yo - yo-yo
spin - obracać
a bike - rower
ride - jechać
a jump rope - skakanka
jump - skakać
What should I play with today?
board game
board game
rocking horse
rocking horse
spinning top
spinning top
teddy bear
teddy bear
Honey It’s time for dinner!
Yes, Mom. I’m coming!
What should I play with today? - Czym się dzisiaj pobawić?
a ball - piłka
blocks - klocki
a board game - gra planszowa
a dice - kostka
a doll - lalka
a jack-in-the-box - jack w pudełku
a puppet - pacynka
puzzles - puzle
a robot - robot
a rocking horse - koń na biegunach
a spinning top - bączek
a teddy bear - misiek
a yo-yo - yo-yo
Honey - kochanie
It’s time for dinner! - czas na obiad
Yes, Mom. I’m coming! - Tak, mamusiu. Idę!
W listopadzie obchodzimy dzień misia. Ty na pewno też masz swojego misia, którego kochasz. A jak on wygląda?
My teddy bear
My teddy bear has two eyes, two eyes, two eyes.
My teddy bear has two eyes. I love my teddy bear.
My teddy bear has one nose, one nose, one nose.
My teddy bear has one nose. I love my teddy bear.
My teddy bear has two ears, two ears, two ears.
My teddy bear has two ears. I love my teddy bear.
My teddy bear has two arms, two arms, two arms.
My teddy bear has two arms. I love my teddy bear.
My teddy bear has two legs, two legs, two legs.
My teddy bear has two legs. I love my teddy bear.
My teddy bear has four paws, four paws, four paws.
My teddy bear has four paws. I love my teddy bear.
my teddy bear - mój misiek
two eyes - dwoje oczu
one nose - jeden nos
two ears - dwoje oczu
two arms - dwa ramiona
two legs - dwie nogi
four paws - cztery łapy
I love my teddy bear - kocham mojego misia
A teraz pobawmy się piłką.Możemy ją rzucać i łapać, poodbijać lub kopać. Miłej zabawy!
I see a ball
Ball, ball, I see a ball
Blue ball, blue ball
Ball, ball, I see a ball
Yellow ball, yellow ball
Ball, ball, I see a ball
Red ball, red ball
Here we go
Let's play
Kick the ball
Throw the ball
Catch the ball
Catch !
Bounce the ball!
Ball, ball, I see a ball
Blue ball, blue ball
Ball, ball, I see a ball
Yellow ball, yellow ball
Ball, ball, I see a ball
a ball - piłka
I see a ball - widzę piłkę
kick the ball - kopać piłkę
throw a ball - rzucać piłkę
catch a ball - łapać piłkę
bounce a ball - odbijać piłkę