
Język angielski

Hello and Goodbye - Dzień dobry i do widzenia

Dzień zaczynamy od przywitania. Hello! Cieszymy się, że jesteście z nami.

Hello, nice to see you, everyone x2

Hello to you, hello to you.

Hello to you, hello to me.

Hello, nice to see you, everyone

Hello everyone, how are you?

How are you?

How are you?

Hello everyone, how are you?

How are you today?

Hello everyone, clap your hands!

Clap your hands!

Clap your hands!

Hello everyone, clap your hands!

Clap your hands, today!

Hello everyone, stomp your feet!

Stomp your feet!

Stomp your feet!

Hello everyone, stomp your feet!

Stomp your feet, today!

Hello everyone, touch your nose.

Touch your nose. T

ouch your nose.

Hello everyone, touch your nose.

Touch your nose, today.

Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!

Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!

Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!

Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!

Hello to my friends, hello to my family!

Hello, I like to say hello to the world.

Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!

Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!

Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!

Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello!

Hello to my friends, hello to my family!

Hello, I like to say hello to the world.


Hello- cześć

I like to say hello- lubię mówić "cześć"

friends - przyjaciele

a family - rodzina

the world - świat


Hello, hello, hello, hello

Hello, Don

Hello, Peg

Hello, Don

Hello, Peg

Hello, hello, hello, hello


Hello, hello, hello, hello

Hello, Don

Hello, Peg

Hello, Don

Hello, Peg

Hello, hello, hello, hello



Hello - cześć

Good morning

Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning

Clap your hands, clap, clap, clap
Stomp your feet, stomp, stomp, stomp
Spin around, spin, spin, spin

Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning

Wash your hands, wash, wash, wash
Shake your hands, shake, shake, shake
Brush your teeth, brush, brush, brush
Good morning!


good morning – dzień dobry!

clap your hands – klaszcz w dlonie

stomp your feet – tup nogami

spin around – obracaj się

shake your hands – potrząsaj rękami

brush your teeth- szczotkuj zęby


Hello, hello.

Can you clap your hands?

Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?

Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”

Hello, hello.
Can you stomp your feet?
Hello, hello.
Can you stomp your feet?

Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”

Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?


hello - cześć

can you - czy możesz?

clap your hands - klaszcz w dłonie

touch your toes - dotknij palców u nóg

turn around - obracaj się

stomp your feet - tup nogami

say "hello" - powiedz  "cześć"

stretch up high - wyciągnąć się o góry


Czas się pożegnać. Do zobaczenia, kochani!

Goodbye song 

Goodbye, goodbye

See you again

Goodbye, goodbye

See you my friends


goodbye - do widzenia

see you - do zobaczenia

friends- przyjaciele

Goodbye, see you next time everyone x

Goodbye to you, goodbye to you.

Goodbye to you, goodbye to me.

Goodbye, see you next time, everyone.

See you later

See you later

see you again

See you later

see you again

Goodbye and see you

Goodbye and see you

See you later

see you again


vocabulary :

see you - do zobaczenia

later - później

again - znowu

goodbye - do widzenia

Good Bye Friends

Good bye

Good bye

Good bye ,


It's time to say good bye

But first

Walk, walk, walk

Jump, jump, jump

Run, run, run


Hop, hop, hop

Swim, swim, swim

Dance, dance, dance


Good bye

Good bye

Good bye ,


It's time to say good bye



good bye - do widzenia

It's time to say good bye - czas powiedzieć do widzenia

but first - ale najpierw

walk - spacerować

jump - skakac

run - biegać

stop - zatrzymywać się

hop - skakac

swim - pływać

dance - tańczyć


Po dniu wypełnionym dobrą zabawą i nauką, przychodzi czas aby się pożegnać.

Do zobaczenia wkrótce!

See you later alligator

Goodbye, goodbye.
It’s time to go.
Goodbye, goodbye.
I don’t want to go.
See you later, alligator.
Bye bye bye, butterfly.


Goodbye - do widzenia

It's time to go - czas iść

I don't want to go - nie chcę iść

See you later - do zobaczenia póżniej

an alligator - aligator

a butterfly - motyl


The Goodbye song for Children 


Clap you hands

Spin around

Jump up high


Clap you hands

Sit down

Stand up

One, two, three, four

Goodbye, goodbye

See you again

Goodbye, goodbye 

See you my friends!

Goodbye, goodbye 

I had fun today!

I had fun today!

Stomp your feet

Shake your body

Stand still


Stomp your feet

Turn left

Turn right

One, two, three, four

Goodbye, goodbye

See you again

Goodbye, goodbye 

See you my friends!

Goodbye, goodbye 

I had fun today!

I had fun today!

I had fun today!

I had fun today!




clap your hands - klaszcz w dłonie

spin around - obracaj się

jump up high! - podskakuj wysoko

sit down - usiądz

stand up - wstań

stomp your feet - tup stopami

shake your body - potrząsaj całym ciałem

stand still - stój nieruchomo

turn left - obróć się na lewo

turn right - obracaj się na prawo

one, two, three, four - jeden, dwa, trzy, cztery

Goodbye - do widzenia

my friends - moi przyjaciele

I had fun today! - dobrze się dzisiaj bawiłem



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