Colour Freeze
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red light, green light
My favourite Colour
I see something Blue
Rainbow Colours Song
Fly Away Little Butterfly
Colour Mixing Song
Otaczają nas kolory, kolory tęczy, kolory podstawowe i pochodne. Przy pomocy piosenek uczymy się nazw kolorów po angielsku. Temat ten może również stanowić ciekawe ćwiczenie na segregowanie przedmiotów i przyporządkowywanie ich do odpowiedniego koloru.
Red Circle, Blue Circle, Yellow Circle
Red,red, red, red
red circle, red circle
Red,red, red, red
red circle, red circle
Blue, blue, blue, blue
blue circle, blue circle
Blue, blue, blue, blue
blue circle, blue circle
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow
yellow circle, yellow circle
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow
yellow circle, yellow circle
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red is the colour of an apple
Yellow is the colour of the sun
Green is the colour of a four- leaf clover
Blue is the colour of the sky above
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Red, yellow, green, blue
red - czerwony
blue - niebieski
green - zielony
blue - niebieski
an apple - jabłko
the sun - słońce
a leaf - liść
a four- leaf clover - czterolistna koniczyna
the sky - niebo
Czy wiecie jak bezpiecznie przejść przez ulicę? Pomoże nam w tym piosenka.
Red light, green light
Red light, stop.
Green light, go.
Red light, stop.
Green light, go.
Red, stop.
Green, go.
Red light, green light, now you know.
red light - czerwone światło
green light - zielone światło
stop - zatrzymaj się
go - idz
now you know - teraz wiesz
Rainbow Colours Song
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see an apple and it's red
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a carrot and it's orange
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a lemon and it's yellow
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a frog and it's green
Rainbow colors everywhere
Red, yellow, orange, green
Rainbow colors everywhere
Blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a fish and it's blue
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a flower and it's purple
Tell me, tell me what do you see?
I see a flamingo and it's pink
Rainbow colors everywhere
Red, yellow, orange, green
Rainbow colors everywhere
Blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red - red
orange - orange
yellow - yellow
green - green
blue- blue
purple- purple
pink - pink
Rainbow colors everywhere
Red, yellow, orange, green
Rainbow colors everywhere
Blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
tell me- powiedz mi
what do you see - co widzisz
an apple -jabłko
a carrot - marchewka
a lemon - cytryna
a frog - żaba
a flower - kwiat
a fish - ryba
a flamingo - flaming
a rainbow - tęcza
red - czerwony
orange - pomarańczowy
yellow - żólty
green - zielony
blue - niebieski
purple - fioletowy
pink- różowy
Colour Mixing Song
Red - the colour is red
Blue - the colour is blue
Red and blue - purple
Red and blue make purple
Yellow - the colour is yellow
Blue and yellow - green
Blue and yellow make green
Yellow and red - orange
Yellow and red make orange
Red, blue and yellow - black
Red, blue and yellow make black
Red, purple,blue, green,
yellow,orange, black
Red - the colour is red
White - the colour is white
Red and white - pink
Red and white make pink
Black- the colour is black
White and black - grey
White and black make grey
Orange - the color is orange
Black and orange - brown
Black and orange make brown
Red, pink, white, grey
Black, brown, orange
We are living in a colourful world!
Rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet
Red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet
These are rainbow colors!
red - czerwony
pink- różowy
white - biały
grey - szary
black - czarny
brown - brązowy
orange - pomarańczowy
indigo - indygo
violet - fioletowy
purple - fioletowy
Halloween Songs for Kids
What colored monsters will be seen on this scary Halloween?
Blue, orange, pink monsters.
What colored monsters will be seen on this scary Halloween?
Red, yellow, green monsters.
What colored monsters will be seen on this scary Halloween?
Purple, brown, black monsters.
What colored monsters will be seen on this scary Halloween?
Blue, orange, pink, red, yellow, green, purple, brown, black..monsters
a monster - potwór
blue - niebieski
orange - pomarańczowy
pink - różowy
red - czerwony
yellow - żółty
green - zielony
purple - fioletowy
brown - brązowy
black - czarny
The butterfly colors
Fly away little butterfly
In the blue sky
there's a red butterfly
Red butterfly, fly, fly, fly
In the blue sky
there's a green butterfly
green butterfly, fly, fly, fly
In the blue sky
there's a yellow butterfly
yellow butterfly, fly, fly, fly
Into the sky, into the sky
red, green and yellow
fly, fly, fly
Into the sky, into the sky
red, green and yellow
fly, fly, fly
Fly away little butterflies
In the blue sky
there's a pink butterfly
Pink butterfly, fly, fly, fly
In the blue sky
there's a purple butterfly
Purple butterfly, fly, fly, fly
In the blue sky
there's an orange butterfly
orange butterfly, fly, fly, fly
Into the sky, into the sky
pink, purple, orange
fly, fly, fly
Into the sky, into the sky
pink, purple,orange
fly, fly, fly
Fly away little butterflies
Fly away little butterflies
a butterfly - motyl
fly away - odlatywać
into the sky - do nieba
red - czerwony
green - zielony
yellow - żółty
pink - różowy
purple - fioletowy
orange - pomarańczowy
Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too.
Listen with your ears,
Listen with your eyes,
and sing everything you see,
Now you can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing along with me.
red - czerwony
orange - pomarańczowy
yellow - żółty
green - zielony
blue - niebieski
purple - fioletowy
a rainbow - tęcza
sing - śpiewać
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?
Red, yellow and brown
Autumn leaves are falling down
Red, yellow and brown
Fall, fall, fall
fall down
Red, yellow and brown
Autumn leaves are falling down
Red, yellow and brown
Fall, fall, fall
fall down
red - czerwony
yellow - żółty
brown - brązowy
autumn leaves - jesienne liście
fall down - spadać
edzenie jest smaczne, zdrowe i .... kolorowe. Przy pomocy tej piosenki nie tylko uczymy się nazw żywności, ale również powtarzamy kolory.
I like food !
Yellow, yellow
My favorite food is yellow
It’s very, very good,
My favorite food is yellow.
I like, I like
I like bananas
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Brown, brown
My favorite is brown
It’s very, very good,
My favorite food is brown.
I like, I like
I like biscuits
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Red, red,
My favorite is red.
It’s very, very good,
My favorite food is red.
I like, I like
I like apples
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Green, green
My favorite is green.
It’s very, very good,
My favorite food is.
I like, I like
I like pears
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
White, white,
My favorite is white.
It’s very, very good,
My favorite food is
I like, I like
I like cakes
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Orange, orange
My favorite is orange.
It’s very, very good,
My favorite food is
I like, I like
I like oranges
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Yum, yum, yum, yum
I like - lubię
my favourite food is - mije ulubione jezenie to
yellow - zółty
bananas - banany
brown - brązowy
biscuits - herbatniki
red - czerwony
apples - jabłka
green - zielony
pears - gruszki
white - biały
a cake - ciastko
orange - pomarańczowy
oranges - pomarańcze
Czas na zabawę z kolorowymi pisankami. Suchajcie uważnie. Jeżeli macie różową pisankę wstańcie. A teraz wstają ci, którzy mają zielone pisanki. A teraz ...
Easter Egg Colors
If you have a pink egg ,
stand up, stand up, stand up
If you have a pink egg ,
sit down, sit down, sit down
If you have a green egg ,
stand up, stand up, stand up
If you have a green egg ,
sit down, sit down, sit down
an egg - jajko
pink - różowy
green - zielony
stand up - wstawać
sit down - siadać