Let's go to the zoo
Stomp like elephants!
Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do.
[Stomp around the room like elephants.]
Jump like kangaroos.
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.
[Jump around the room like kangaroos.]
Swing like monkeys.
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do.
[Swing around the room like monkeys.]
Waddle like penguins.
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.
[Waddle around the room like penguins.]
Slither like snakes.
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.
[Slither around the room like snakes.]
Swim like polar bears.
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do.
[Swim around the room like polar bears.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do.
elephants - słonie
kangaroos - kangury
monkeys - małpy
penguins - pingwiny
snakes - węze
polar bears - niedzwiedzie polarne
stomp - tupać
jump -skakać
swing - kołysać się
waddle- chodzić jak kaczka
slither - pełzać
swim - pływać
Transport song
It's a big bus
Beep, beep, beep
It's a big plane
Zoom, zoom, zoom
It's a big train
Toot, toot, toot
It's a big car
Broom, broom, broom
It's a big truck
Honk, honk, honk
a bus - autobus
a plane - samolot
a train - pociąg
a car - samochód
a truck - ciężarówka
Let's go to the beach
Hey what do you want to do today?
Let's go to the beach.
Beach, beach I like the beach.
Beach, beach I like the beach.
Clam, clam.
Beach, beach, I like the beach.
Beach, beach, beach.
That was fun, let's do it again!
Beach, beach,
I like the beach.
Beach, beach, I like the beach.
Clam, clam.
Beach, beach,
I like the beach.
Beach, beach, beach.
a beach - plaża
a starish - rozgwiazda
a clam - małża
a lobster - homar
a pufferfish - rozdymka tygrysia
Learn sea animals with Elly
an octopus - ośmiornica
a star fish - rozgwiazda
a clown fish - ryba klauna
a jelly fish - meduza
a shark - rekin
Walking in the jungle
Let's take a walk in the jungle.
Walking in the jungle.
Walking in the jungle.
We're not afraid.
We're not afraid.
Walking in the jungle.
Walking in the jungle.
We're not afraid.
We're not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
What's that?
It's a frog!
We're not afraid!
Let's stomp.
Stomping in the jungle.
Stomping in the jungle.
We're not afraid.
We're not afraid.
Stomping in the jungle.
Stomping in the jungle.
We're not afraid.
We're not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
What's that?
It's a monkey!
We're not afraid!
Let's jump.
Jumping in the jungle.
Jumping in the jungle.
We're not afraid.
We're not afraid.
Jumping in the jungle.
Jumping in the jungle.
We're not afraid.
We're not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
Stop. \
What's that?
It's a toucan!
We're not afraid!
Let's skip.
Skipping in the jungle.
Skipping in the jungle.
We're not afraid.
We're not afraid.
Skipping in the jungle.
Skipping in the jungle.
We're not afraid.
We're not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
What's that?
a tiger!
walk- chodzić
a jungle - dżungla
We're not afraid - my się nie boimy
a step - krok
forward - do przodu
back - do tyłu
listen - słuchać
stop - zatrzym,ywać się
a frog - żaba
a monkey - małpa
a toucan - tukan
stomp - tupać
jump - skakać
skip -skakać
run- biegać
a tiger - tygrys
La la la
Oh, I’m sorry.
Welcome to vehicles world!
Today we'll gonna drive vehicles!
Are you ready?
Step one
Ring ring the bicycle
Ring ring the bicycle
Ring ring the bicycle
I'm riding a bicycle.
Step two
Vroom-vroom vroom the car
Vroom-vroom vroom the car
Vroom-vroom vroom the car
I'm driving a car.
Step three
Beep beep beep the bus
Beep beep beep beep
Beep the bus
Beep beep beep the bus
I'm driving a bus!
Step four
Choo-choo choo the train
Choo-choo choo the train
Choo-choo choo the train
I'm driving a train!
Ring ring the bicycle
Vroom-vroom vroom the car
Beep the bus
Choo-choo the train
Let's drive vehicles!
vehicles - pojazdy
I'm sorry - przepraszam
Welcome to vehicles world - witamy w świecie pojazdów
a bicycle - rower
I'm riding a bicycle - jadę na rowerze
a bus - autobus
I'm driving a bus - prowadzę autobus
a car - samochód
I'm driving a car - prowadzę samochód
a train - pociąg
I'm driving a train - prowadzę pociąg
sun, sun, sun
I like the sun
sun, sun, sun
I like the sun
sea, sea, sea
I like deep blue see
sea, sea, sea
I like deep blue sea
grass, grass, grass
I like green, green grass
grass, grass, grass
I like green, green grass
butterfly, butterfly
I like butterflies
butterfly, butterfly
I like butterflies
I like summertime
the sun - słońce
sea - morze
grass - trawa
a butterfly - motyl
Animals in action
Run, run, run like a cheetah
Swing, swing, swing like a monkey
Fly, fly, fly like an eagle
Paddle, paddle, paddle like a turtle
Animals in action…
Animals in action
Animals in action…
Animals in action
Let’s go!
Climb, climb, climb like a squirrel
Waddle, waddle, waddle like a duck
Pump, pump, pump like a gorilla
Stomp, stomp, stomp like an elephant
Animals in Action…
Animals in action
Animals in Action…
Animals in action
Let’s go!
In the sky…
In the sky
On the ground…
On the ground
In the water…
In the water
All around…
All around
They are, animals in action, animals in action
Animals in Action…
Animals in action
Animals in Action…
Animals in action
Let’s go!
In the sky…
In the sky
On the ground…
On the ground
In the water…
In the water
All around…
All around
They are animals in action!
run - biegać
fly - latać
swing - kołysać się
paddle - wiosłować
climb - wspinać się
waddle - chodzić jak kaczka
pump - udarzac
stomp - tupać
in the water - w wodzie
in the sky - na niebie
on the ground - na ziemi
a cheetah- gepard
a monkey - małpka
an eagle - orzeł
a turtle - żółw
a duck - kaczka
a gorilla - goryl
an elephant - słoń
Driving in my car
Driving in my car.
Vroom vroom vroom.
Driving in my car.
Vroom vroom vroom.
Driving very fast.
Vroom vroom vroom.
Driving very slow.
Vroom vroom vroom.
I like driving.
Driving in my car.
Riding on my bike.
Pedal pedal pedal.
Riding on my bike.
Pedal pedal pedal.
Riding very fast
Pedal pedal pedal.
Riding very slow
Pedal pedal pedal.
I like riding,
Riding on my bike
Rowing in my boat,
Splash splash splash,
Rowing in my boat,
Splash splash splash,
Rowing very fast
Splash splash splash,
Rowing very slow.
Splash splash splash.
I like rowing.
Rowing in my boat.
Riding on my train.
Choo, choo, choo.
Riding on my train.
Choo, choo, choo.
Riding very fast.
Choo, choo, choo.
Riding very slow.
Choo, choo, choo.
I like riding.
Riding on my train.
Flying in my airplane.
Whoosh whoosh.
Flying in my airplane.
Whoosh whoosh.
Flying very high.
Whoosh whoosh.
Flying very low.
Whoosh whoosh.
I like flying.
Flying in my airplane.
a car - samochód
fast - szybko
slow - powoli
drive - prowadzić
a bike - rower
ride - jechać
a boat - łódka
row - wiosłować
a train - pociąg
a plane - samolot
low - nisko
high - wysoko
fly - latać
I love summertime
I love summertime
I really like the beach,
I really like the ocean,
And all the creatures in the sea,
I want to see in motion
Palm trees,
In the sun!
I love summertime
I really like the woods,
I really like the river,
The sun is hot in the sky,
But the water makes me shiver
In the sun!
I love summertime
I really like the city,
I really like the streets,
Everyone's out day and night,
Eating lots of treats
Ice Cream,
In the sun!
a beach - plaża
ocean - ocean
palm trees - drzewa palmowe
sea creatures - morskie stworzenia
woods - las
a river -rzeka
the sun - slońce
an ice cream - lody