
Język angielski

Luty - February


Śniadanie to dobra okazja aby poćwiczyć język angielski. Mniam mniam ... W brzuszkach ląduje smaczne, zdrowe jedzenie!

Counting fruit song


I can clap

I can sing 

I  can do anything

I can clap

I can sing 

I  can do anything

Here we go

Let's count

one orange - one orange

one clap - clap

two apples - two apples

two claps - one, two

three bananas - three bananas

three claps - one, two, three

 can clap

I can sing 

I can do anything

Let's count some more

four strawberries - four strawberries

four claps - one, two, three, four, 

five pears - five pears 

five claps - one, two, three, four, five

we did it!

I can clap

I can sing 

I  can do anything

I can clap

I can sing 

I  can do anything

Great job!


an orange - pomarańcza

an apple - jabłko

a banana - banan

a strawberry - truskawka

a pear - gruszka

one, two, three, four five - jeden, dwa, trzy, cztery, pięć

Yes No Please Thank you

no no no

yes, yes yes

please, please, please

no no no

yes, yes yes

please, please, please

no no no

yes, yes yes

please, please, please

thank you, thank you, thank you

thank you, thank you, thank you

thank you, thank you, thank you

thank you, thank you, thank you

no no no

yes, yes yes

please, please, please

no no no

yes, yes yes

please, please, please

thank you, thank you, thank you

thank you, thank you, thank you

thank you, thank you, thank you

thank you, thank you, thank you


no -nie

yes- tak

please - proszę

thank you - dziękuję



Five fingers

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

And freeze One, two, three, four, five. x

.Where are five fingers? x2

Here we are. Here we are.

One, two, three, four, five. x2

Finger family. Finger family.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

wiggle, wiggle, wiggle and freeze!

One, two, three, four, five. x2

Where are five toes? x2

Here we are.

One, two, three, four, five. x2

Toe family.Toe family.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

wiggle,wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle FREEZE!


Yummy to my tummy!
Yummy, yummy an apple to my tummy
Yummy, yummy a piece of bread to my tummy
Yummy, yummy some cheese to my tummy
Yummy, yummy …........... to my tummy


Jedzenie jest smaczne, zdrowe i .... kolorowe. Przy pomocy tej piosenki nie tylko uczymy się nazw żywności, ale również powtarzamy kolory.

I like food !

Yellow, yellow

My favorite food is yellow

It’s very, very good,

My favorite food is yellow.

I like, I like

I like bananas

Yum, yum, yum

Yum, yum, yum, yum,

Yum, yum, yum, yum,



Brown, brown

My favorite is brown

It’s very, very good,

My favorite food is brown.

I like, I like

I like biscuits

Yum, yum, yum

Yum, yum, yum, yum,

Yum, yum, yum, yum,



Red, red,

My favorite is red.

It’s very, very good,

My favorite food is red.

I like, I like

I like apples

Yum, yum, yum

Yum, yum, yum, yum,

Yum, yum, yum, yum,


Green, green

My favorite is green.

It’s very, very good,

My favorite food is.

I like, I like

I like pears

Yum, yum, yum

Yum, yum, yum, yum,

Yum, yum, yum, yum,



White, white,

My favorite is white.

It’s very, very good,

My favorite food is

I like, I like

I like cakes

Yum, yum, yum

Yum, yum, yum, yum,

Yum, yum, yum, yum,


Orange, orange

My favorite is orange.

It’s very, very good,

My favorite food is

I like, I like

I like oranges

Yum, yum, yum

Yum, yum, yum, yum,

Yum, yum, yum, yum



I like - lubię

my favourite food is - mije ulubione jezenie to 

yellow - zółty

bananas - banany

brown - brązowy

biscuits - herbatniki

red - czerwony

apples - jabłka

green - zielony

pears - gruszki

white - biały

a cake - ciastko

orange - pomarańczowy

oranges - pomarańcze


Jedną z najważniejszych umiejętności jest poproszenie o coś w języku obcym.  Piosenka Can I have a ball, please?  uczy nas prosić o piłkę, ale może to być cokolwiek:  miś, lalka, samochód, coś do jedzenia lub picia. W starszych grupach świetnie nadaje się również do ćwiczenia kolorów i liczb. Can I have a brown bear, please? Can I have three red apples, please?

Can I have a ball, please?

Can I have a ball, please
Can I have a ball?
Can have a red one?
Can I have a yellow one?
Can I have a blue one?
Can I have a ball?
Here you are
Thank you
Can I have a red one, please?
Can I have a yellow one, please?
Can I have a blue one, please?
Can I have a ball?
Thank you
Here you are
Thank you


can I have - czy mogę prosić o 

a ball - piłka

here you are - proszę

thank you - dziękuję


Oprócz miłości znamy też inne uczucia, czasem jesteśmy szczęśliwi, czasem źli lub przestraszeni, a czasem mamy ochotę na drzemkę.

If you are happy

If you're happy happy happy
clap your hands.
If you're angry angry angry
stomp your feet.
If you're scared scared scared
say, "Oh no!"
If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy
take a nap.
If you're happy happy happy
clap your hands.


happy - szczęśliwy

angry - zły

scared - przestraszony

sleepy - śpiący

clap your hands- klaszcz w dłonie

stomp your feet - tup nogami

scared - przestraszony

say "oh, no!" - powiedz "o nie"

take a nap - zdrzemnij się


What is it? Game

What is it? What is it?

I don't know

What is it? What is it?

Hey let's go!

What is it? What is it?

Please show me

Are you ready?

one, two, three

It's a pizza



What is it? What is it?

I don't know

What is it? What is it?

Hey let's go!

What is it? What is it?

Please show me

Are you ready?

one, two, three

It's a hamburger!

I want a bite!

What is it? What is it?

I don't know

What is it? What is it?

Hey let's go!

What is it? What is it?

Please show me

Are you ready?

one, two, three

It's a salad!

Good job!


what is it? - co to jest?

please, show me - proszę, pokaż mi

are you ready? - jesteś gotowy

one, two, three - jeden, dwa, trzy

a pizza - pizza

a hamburger - hamburger

a salad - sałata

good job! - dobra robota!


Let's make a pizza 

I'm hungry

Me, too

Let's make a pizza

ok, I love pizza

It's delicious

Let's make a pizza, you and me

I love pizza

it's yummy

Let's make a pizza, you and me

I love pizza

it's yummy

tomatoes - tomatoes

salami - salami

mushrooms - mushrooms

cheese - cheese

Let's make a pizza, you and me

I love pizza

it's yummy

Let's make a pizza, you and me

I love pizza

it's yummy

Put on the tomatoes

Put on the salami

Put on the mushrooms

Put on the cheese

I love cheese

Let's eat !

Let's make a pizza, you and me

I love pizza

it's yummy

Let's make a pizza, you and me

I love pizza

it's yummy



hungry - głodny

a pizza - pizza 

tomatoes - pomidory

salami - salami

mushrooms - grzyby

cheese - ser

Let's eat - jedzmy

I'm thirsty Can I have some ...?

I'm thirsty

Can I have some milk?


I'm thirsty

Can I have some milk?

Please !

I'm thirsty

Can I have some milk?



That's better

That's better

That's better

I'm thirsty

Can I have some juice?


I'm thirsty

Can I have some juice?


I'm thirsty

Can I have some juice?



That's better

That's better

That's better

I'm thirsty

Can I have some pop?


I'm thirsty

Can I have some pop?


I'm thirsty

Can I have some pop?



That's better

That's better

That's better

I'm thirsty

Can I have some tea?


I'm thirsty

Can I have some tea?


I'm thirsty

Can I have some tea?


That's better

That's better

That's better

I'm thirsty

I'm thirsty

I'm thirsty

I'm thirsty

I'm thirsty

I'm thirsty

Can I have a drink?


I'm thirsty - jestem spragniony

Can I have some...? - czy mogę prosić o ...?

milk - mleko

juice - sok

tea - herbata

pop - woda sodowa

a drink - napój

That's better - teraz lepiej


Feelings song

Happy, happy. Wa ha ha

Sad, sad. Boo hoo hoo !

Angry, angry. Grrrrrr!

Surprised, surprised. Gee gee gee!

I laugh when I am happy

Wa ha ha !

I cry when I am sad

Boo hoo hoo!

I frown when I am angry


I jump up when I am surprised

Oh, gee!

Hungry, hungry. Grumble!

Scared, scared Brrrrrr!

shy, shy. Ings ings!

Sleepy, sleepy. Aaah!

I rumble when I am hungry


I shiver when I am scared


I hide when I am shy!

Ing- ings!

I yawn when i am feeling sleepy



happy - szczęśliwy

sad - smutny

angry - zły

surprised- zdziwiony

hungry - głodny

scared - przestraszony

shy - nieśmiały

sleepy - śpiący

laugh - śmiać się

cry- płakać

frown- złościć się

jump up -podskakwać

rumble- burczeć w brzuchu

shiver - trząść się

hide - ukrywać się

yawn - ziewać


Luty, a szczególnie 14 luty to czas okazywania sobie sympatii i miłości. Za oknem zimno, ale nasze serca są gorące. Wyznajemy sobie "I love you" rano, po południu i wieczorem. Uczymy się słowa serce ( a heart) i utrwalamy kolor czerwony.

Peekaboo, I love you

I love you.

I love you.


I love you.

I love you.


I love you.

I love you.


peekaboo- akuku

I love you - kocham Cię

Love you song

Skidamarink a dink a dink.
Skidamarink a doo.
I love you.

Skidamarink a dink a dink.
Skidamarink a doo.
I love you.

I love you in the morning.
And in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening.
And underneath the moon.

Skidamarink a dink a dink.
Skidamarink a doo.
I love you.


I love you - kocham Cię

in the morning - rano

in the afternoon - po południu

in the evening  - wieczorem 

underneath the moon - pod księżycem


I love you Barney song

I love you, you love me

We're a happy family

With a great big hug 

and a kiss from me to you

Won't you say me "I love you"

I love you, you love me

We're best friends like friends should be

With a great big hug 

and a kiss from me to you

Won't you say me "we love you"


I love you - kocham Cię

You love me - ty kochasz mnie

a kiss - buziak

a hug - uścisk

best friends - najlepsi przyjaciele

How are You Kids?

Hello boys and girls! How are you? Are you happy or sad? I am a little sad today because it is raining. And i want to go outside  and play.Ohhh, I am sad. hey, why don't you pretend to be sad? Show me a sad face. Show your sad face!Now, when I say "how are you?" You say: " i am sad" Are you ready? How are you? I am sad! How are you? I am sad! How are you? I am sad! Well done!Yeah!

Hi,  Steve! Hello, Maggie! How are you? Oh, I am sad. I want to go outside to play but I can't!. Hey, I can help. Time for a little Maggie's magic! Oh, thanks Maggie! hey, I can play on my swing! So how are you now Steve? I am not sad anymore! No, no, no. But I am quite hot! Actually, I am very hot! Where am I? It's really hot here! What if you pretend to be hot like me? come on pretend to be hot like this. Whan I say "how are you you? "  you say "i am hot" How are you? I am hot!  How are you? I am hot!  How are you? I am hot! Well done! Hey, maggie i think I am too hot actually. Can you help? Ok, Let's have some more Maggie's magic! Hey, thanks Maggie. I am not hot any more. I am getting a bit cold . Where am I? I'm really cold now. Well done! How are you ? I am cold Hey, Maggie. I am too cold. Can you help? Ok, get ready for some more Maggie's magic. Oh, hey! Look! Where am I? I am at home. And it's not raining. I am not sad any more! I am not hot anymore. And I am not cold anymore. I am happy. I can play on my swing ! This is great . Thank you Maggie! I am happy!

Happy, sad, hot, so cold

How are you today?

Happy, sad, hot, so cold

How are you today?


happy - szczęśliwy

sad - smutny

hot - gorąco

cold - zimno

How are you? - jak się masz?

Where am I? - gdzie ja jestem?

Can you help? - czy mozesz mi pomóc?

Peppa Pig - Fancy Dress Party











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